Pursuing a clean and sustainable future by conserving energy and switching to renewable energy sources

Substantially reducing power consumption at factory to help build a recycling-oriented society

The TSUNEISHI Group is pursuing various initiatives to make its energy use more efficient and contribute to a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society.


The Tsuneishi Factory of TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING has replaced conventional lighting with LED lighting, set up power consumption monitoring, and optimized operations using digital technology. The factory has succeeded in significantly reducing its power consumption by approximately 35% in 2021 compared to 2018. Similar initiatives are being carried out at other Group facilities in Japan and overseas, and improvements to production processes have resulted in significant reductions in power consumption.


At the Fukuyama factory of TSUNEISHI KAMTECS, thermal energy is generated when its industrial waste is incinerated. The energy is captured to produce high-pressure steam, which is piped to steam turbines to generate electricity. This provides power for the plant and completes the energy recycling process. Approximately 80% of the factory’s annual power consumption comes from this recycled energy, and the effective utilization of business processes has yielded a reduction in CO2 emissions.

LED lighting at Tsuneishi Factory
System to monitor energy consumption

Promoting further decarbonization by actively using renewable energy

The TSUNEISHI Group consumes a total of about 150,000 MWh of electricity each year. To help promote decarbonization, the entire Group is working to generate its own electricity using technology such as solar power.


At each factory, the Group is installing solar panels using the available building roof space. At the TSUNEISHI GROUP (ZHOUSHAN) SHIPBUILDING factory in Zhoushan, China, a solar power system was installed in 2017, and it is being expanded in January 2023. With a maximum output of 23 MW and an annual output of 24,000 MWh, it is one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic power systems in Zhejiang Province.


The Group is also looking into adopting highly efficient energy-saving equipment and new solar power equipment for its offices in Japan and overseas. We will continue to pursue energy conservation and renewable energy initiatives, with the goal of eventually having all of our offices powered by electricity from renewable energy sources.


A mega solar array facility operated by TSUNEISHI GROUP (ZHOUSHAN) SHIPBUILDING—the first phase saw 72,480 solar panels installed, followed by 6,950 in the second phase
TSUNEISHI C VALUES has set up its own photovoltaic power station in Omishima, a remote island in the Seto Inland Sea. The total output of all the solar panels at the site is 1,034 kW, generating approximately 1,250,000 kWh each year