Tsuneishi Capital, a new investment partnership company, established by TSUNEISHI HOLDINGS
TSUNEISHI HOLDINGS CORPORATION (Headquartered at 1083, Tsuneishi, Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan. Chairman and President: Hirotatsu Kambara. “THD” hereafter) established Tsuneishi Capital Co., Ltd. , a company that formulates and operates investment partnerships, on April 1, 2016. This company was established for the purpose of investing in companies that are expected to generate new businesses or demonstrate growth.
On May 31, 2011, THD established a research and development-type fund called “TVC NO.1 Limited Liability Partnership” and has been making investments in technologies and business seeds in the fields of shipbuilding, marine transportation, environment, energy, and related business areas.
THD determined that, for the further growth and development of the Tsuneishi Group, it needed to strengthen its efforts in the investment and consultation business without being confined to its existing business fields (shipbuilding, marine transportation, environment, energy), and as such, resolved on the establishment of this new investment partnership company.
(1) Creation of new businesses
To create new business opportunities beyond Tsuneishi Group’s existing business areas through such means as M&A (mergers and acquisitions), and by giving support towards the revival of a businesses.
(2) Net investment
To acquire capital gain by investing in companies that are expected to demonstrate growth.
(3) Supporting the Group’s business
To invest in the Group’s businesses that will lead to community development, with a focus on the life & resort business.
Company name: Tsuneishi Capital Co., Ltd.
Business: Operation of funds that invest to foster businesses
Capital: 20 million yen
Address: 1083 Tsuneishi, Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
Establishment: April 1, 2016
-Contact for inquiries regarding this matter-
CSV Division, Marketing Communication Dept.